Rock-Ola Jukebox Title Cards to Download

Rock-Ola Jukeboxes LogoOk for you Jukebox fans out there here is an answer to a question we get quite a lot – Where can I get some blank title cards for my Rock-Ola Jukebox ? Answer – Right Here!

For the CD playing models of Rock-Ola jukeboxes the title cards are as much a part of the awe and image of the product as the bubble tubes or the rotating disc selector. They let you and your friends and family flip through your selection of music in the way that only a jukebox can.

Every Rock-Ola is supplied with a number of blank title cards for you to fill out with the titles from your own CDs. However these require that you hand-write on them or are a bit of a master with your printer to feed them through, or you may simply have run out!

Well here is the answer, a blank Microsoft Word document set up for you to type over and print out to give your title cards that professional look. Then simply cut them out and they’ll fit perfectly in your title card display and you’re set!

So for all of you who are looking for these, here they are:

(right click-on the icon and select “Save Target As” – then select where on your computer you would like to save the file)

For those of you who need a bit more automation in your life, you can also take things one step further. There is a program called JukeCD (link takes you to JukeCD’s website) which for around £35 (at the time of writing) will allow Windows based PCs to insert their CDs into their PC where the software will detect the CD, and download the track listing and album art for you, then create the perfect title card ready for you to print out! How easy is that?

As always if you have any questions about our great range of Jukeboxes or how you can load your music collection into them, please give one of our fully trained sales advisers a call free on 0800 612 8180.

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