The Working From Home Report

Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, working from home has become the norm amongst many of us. But how is the UK coping and adapting to the change in lifestyle and how are they managing their work-life balance? We surveyed 1,000 people in the UK to find out how the UK workforce feel about working from home…

We asked people all over the UK if they were more or less stressed when working from home, to find out which parts of Britain are the most likely to argue whilst playing games.

Our survey revealed that Cadiff is the most stressed city when it comes to home working with half of the city saying they feel more stressed when working from home. The least stressed city came out as Norwich where only 6% of people felt more stressed.

When the working day is over, Brits have admitted they like to de-stress by playing games, but which games are the best for de-stressing after a long day of work?  Our survey reveals that Puzzles take the top spot when it comes to de-stressing with 33% of Brit’s saying this is their game of choice. 19% of Brits would rather take to a more sports-based game including the likes of playing on a pool table, table tennis table or a dart board to help them de-stress.

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